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HEADER Cartoon klimaatakkoord

A look behind the scenes at the Climate Agreement

THINK and DRINKs event

Young Professionals of PBL, Royal HaskoningDHV, VVM and Jong Leefomgeving invite you to the 4th edition of the THINK and DRINKS event. This year we will take you into the world of politics and facts of the climate agreement. Key note speakers: Esther Knabben van RHDHV and Michiel Hekkenberg van PBL. Of course we will end the evening with some fine drinks!

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  Zet in uw agenda

  thursday June 6th 2019
  around 18:00 - 21:00
 Royal HaskoningDHV
 George Hintzenweg 5
    Rotterdam (5 min. from Rotterdam Alexander)

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At the request of the Dutch Government and the Climate Council the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) calculated the expected effects of the climate agreement. Central to this analysis are the expected effects of the Climate Agreement draft on greenhouse gas emissions and national costs. That this is politically sensitive became apparent when the House of Representatives expressed its concern about the reliability of the charging this spring. What is going on in a department? What influence do figures have on policy and politics? How does an assignment from the Ministry end up at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency? How does the PBL work in such a project? What is the effect of criticism on figures and facts? And when the calculations are ready ... what actually happens?

Will we see you on the 6th of June?


  Meer weten? Enthousiast geworden?

De organisatie van deze bijeenkomst is in handen van de VVM Sectie Jong, PBL Young, Netwerk Jong Leefomgeving en  Young RHDHV. Voor vragen, mail naar gnuoylbp.[antispam].@pbl.nl

De uitnodiging is gestuurd naar jonge professionals van de overheid,  adviesbureau’s en onderzoeksbureaus. Ken je andere geïnteresseerden? Stuur deze uitnodiging gerust door! 

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