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netwerk van milieuprofessionals










The presentations of this day are inspired by the TED-talks. Every presentation last 18 minutes exactly. For interaction 8 minutes of Q&A will be added to every presentation.

To all abstracts and résumés

08:30   Welcome, with coffee and tea

09:00   Short Policy Talks

  • Opening, Drs. Mirjam van Velthuizen-Lormans, CFO, University Medical Centre Utrecht
  • The Dutch Chain Approach, Marc de Rooy, Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment

09:30   Presentations

11:00     Short Break

12:15   Lunch buffet / stands / posters / networking

13:30   Presentations

15:00    Tea / Coffee Break

17:00Networking drinks

  Call for posters

During the conference (student) researchers, institutes and companies are able to present their work by means of a poster display.

A presenter must be present during the poster session (the lunch break) to explain the poster to viewers.

Please follow the next instructions for the design of the poster:

  • The topic of the poster falls within the theme of the conference (Green Pharmacy).
  • Describe a project that is just finished, ongoing or near completion, not one that has yet to start.
  • The poster presents new ideas or a new application of an existing methodology in an inspiring and lively way.
  • Explain the topic clearly and provide a summary that explains the topic in short text.
  • The size of the poster has to fit on the poster board. Size poster board: 2 m high, 1 m wide.
  • The poster may contain text, figures, tables, photo's etc.
  • Letter size: title at least 96 pt; heading at least 36 pt and text at least 24 pt. Text should be readable from a distance of 1.5 m.

You can send a pdf of your (draft) poster before October 20 2017 to: Alfons Uijtewaal, tsop.[antispam].@huizeaarde.nl
The poster will be reviewed by Dr. Jaap A. Joles and Dr. Peter J. Blankestijn, UMC Utrecht.

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